Friends of the Metuchen Library: Volunteer Opportunities
Board Position: We have 5 officer positions with associated tasks; voting privileges (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding
Secretary) and 4 Trustee positions (no formal tasks, but hold voting privileges).Board members are nominated for and voted into the role for a 2 year term; attend
the monthly meetings; discuss FOTML matters as they arise via email; support the various committees (detailed below) as a chair or member.
Assist the Board: Attend our monthly meetings to support FOTML operations. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of most months at 7PM, in the Library Community
Room or via Zoom (check our website or email us for details). Beyond attending meetings, volunteers are welcome to join any committee.
Fundraising Committee: Work with the Fundraising Chair to brainstorm and/or facilitate fundraising events/opportunities for FOTML. Book Sales Committee: Work with the team at our largest fundraiser, the Annual Book Sale, held the 1st Saturday in October, and with smaller sales at public events.
Finance Committee: Work with the Treasurer to make decisions regarding the operating budget, investments, and various financial matters. Membership Committee: Work with the Membership Chair to facilitate community outreach efforts to recruit new members, and conduct the annual Membership Drive mailing, typically held late November - early January.
Communications Committee: Work with the Corresponding Secretary to manage membership correspondence (i.e. email blasts, thank you letters); update our
website; help run the FOTML Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Want to volunteer in just singular instances? We often staff a table at public town events to fundraise and recruit membership. We can always email you when
we have an event to see if you are available to help.