What’s the difference between a Library cardholder and a Friend?
Everyone who lives in Metuchen is eligible to have a Metuchen library card and everyone in the Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium can use their cards at the Metuchen Library. A library card allows you to borrow books and movies, it gives you priority opportunities for classes and events, it gives you access to museum passes and programs.
But ‘Friends of the Metuchen Library’ membership is different! While cardholders use the library;
Friends of the Metuchen Library funds the library.
Of course, the Borough of Metuchen funds the library. It keeps the lights on and the water running and pays the salaries and wages of the staff. Unfortunately, that leaves very little money for books, events, library programs and activities. For that reason, a group of citizens formed Friends of the Metuchen Library in the 1970s, and incorporated in 1986 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency.
Your membership and donations have paid for:
lobby furniture and outdoor benches
copy machines and computers
book carts
international and domestic films, with popcorn!
water fountain repair
art gallery hanging system
biography books for grade 4
puzzles for pre-k and Kindergarten
children’s guest entertainers
classes for teens; art, food, archery
ESL classes
Cricut machines and supplies
wall display racks
books, both traditional and electronic
museum passes
cultural festivals, including the Lunar New Year
Friends of the Metuchen Library raises this money through memberships and fundraisers. Memberships are our biggest source of income. You can support Friends by becoming a member for $15 a year -
or more if you choose!
You can join at the circulation desk with cash or a check, on-line through Venmo or Paypal or by credit card and clicking here.